
Introduction to Cxx_matrix

The tutorial is based on the C++ project Cxx_matrix.

Its source code on GitHub contains 2 source files:

  • matrix.h that is a matrix operations library coded in C++

  • matrix.cpp that is a simple test over this library

Let's familiarize ourselves with the main function in matrix.cpp:

main(void) {
    Matrix<2U, 2U> matrix_a {
        2., 1.,
        4., 2. };

    auto id = identity<2>();
    bool has_inverse = is_invertible(id);
    std::cout << "identity is inversible: " << (has_inverse ? "yes\n" : "no\n");

    Matrix<2U, 2U> matrix_b = matrix_a + (5 ^ id);
    Matrix<2, 1> res = solve(matrix_b,  { 6., 10. });
    std::cout << "RESULT IS:\n" << res;

    return 0;
    (void) has_inverse;

The test implemented in main performs the following step:

  • It initializes a 2 x 2 matrix

  • It verifies if the matrix is invertible

  • It performs some basic operations on this matrix

  • It solves a matrix equation

Launching the analyzer

We already configured the project Cxx_matrix for TrustInSoft CI by adding a .trustinsoft/config.json file to the repository. In our example, the Analyses configuration specifies the source file matrix.cpp to analyze, the analysis entry point function main and the preprocessor option -I..

We also launched the analysis in TrustInSoft CI:

1. Load the following URL in your browser to visualize a summary of the analysis results:

There is only one analysis, as one entry point, and no undefined behavior on the tested path:

2. Launch TrustInSoft CI Analyzer by clicking the #1 analysis and then on the Inspect with TrustInSoft CI Analyzer button.

Next let's dive into C++ identifiers, constructions and calling conventions in TrustInSoft CI Analyzer.

Last updated